Recently I’ve been noticing what I focus on when I talk to God – help in a difficult situation, relief from stress, better ideas about how to handle a problem, something I need, getting someone to change, etc.
It suddenly came to me while listening to all of the great prayers during the 45th U.S. presidential inauguration…there’s a Guy on the other side of those prayers.
When I pray, the Guy-on-the-Other-Side is listening intently to my every word, because He’s in love with me! He wants to be with me, talk with me, exchange ideas and feelings, draw me into a deeper friendship with Him…relationship stuff.
I need that. I get lonely and emotionally needy and people can only do so much. Expecting or requiring them to do more than they can do leads to frustration. Expecting or requiring people to do what God wants to be doing in my life is a kind of idolatry and leads to worse things than frustration.
This change of prayer focus – from results to relationship – is liberating, empowering and full of hope. I’m excited to see where this leads us!
Thank You Jesus, for giving me access to a relationship with the Guy-on-the-Other-Side!